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Don Camillo

am 08.09.2016
Don Camillo
am 08.09.2016, 17:13

The Don Camillo - Right in the UNESCO Old Town The Don Camillo in the center of Graz is one of these Italian restaurants you want to go to frequently. This place is an authentic Italian-run restaurant and even the waiters are often Italians as well. Located in the center of Graz, right in the UNESCO-Old Town on a square next to a little church, the Franziskanerkirche, devoted to Saint Francis, this place provides great food. The staff is friendly and the feel is like in a restaurant on a square in one of the many Italian small towns. Graz by the way feels very Italian and Adriatic people say. Our Pizza and Pasta was delicious as always, since here at the Don Camillo you get true Italian food with Italian ingredients and recipes made by Italians as I already mentioned. I took the Pizza Milano with delicious salami and my company took Spaghetti Bolognese. Both dishes are very delicious. The patio on the square is very nice to sit at and if the weather makes it a necessity the Don Camillo is also very nice and authentic Italian inside. So the interior and the whole place feels like a Italian trattoria. From Graz with love! Dr. Dr. Immanuel Fruhmann
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