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Tierarztpraxis Marchettigasse

am 01.12.2017
Tierarztpraxis Marchettigasse
Bewertung von ajhanly
am 01.12.2017, 10:34

Traumatic experience Mrs Kunz seemed a compassionate and empathetic vet until she refused treatment of my cat. She suggested I was being unethical and keeping my at alive for myself. My cat was doing poorly and then she started to show interest in life after having home treatment which was much less stressful than the vet visits. My cat is terminal and she would not live much longer than maybe a few days a week at most I believed. On the weekend I had no one to help me with her treatment and was told to call the clinic on Monday. They did not return my call until late afternoon. By then the cat had gone 3 days without treatment because probably they told the students helping me not to come. I wanted to work with Natalie together with the decision to euthanize her and come to my home. Now the decision was forced and was therefore not acceptable. I no longer trusted and in the meantime my cat suffered needlessly and refusing her comfort until my decision was inhumane. A decision to end a pet's life is an extremely complicated and an ethical decision which should be made by the owner and no forced by refusing assistance. It broke my heart because during her treatment she at least ate some food and would still come to me for attention and also she loves to do tricks for treats. A very special one is that she plays the piano and she actually went there two times during this home treatment to do this. So I could not with a good conscience believe she did not still have some pleasure in her life! I hope someday to forgive Natalie. I know she had best intentions but all vets should be careful to put judgement on a situation. An owner always knows there animal the best!
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