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Firma wurde von entfernt

am 11.07.2016
Firma wurde von entfernt
Bewertung von julia_in_vienna
am 11.07.2016, 12:58

the worst restaurant i've ever been to 2 4-Course Menus and 2 3-small Cocktail Menus, €180 without tips: - i told i don't eat mean and took the fish menu, whereas in the 2nd course i successfully ate lamb ravioli after being 8 years meat-free. to my question, whether there is meat in ravioli, the waitress told: yes, lamb. no excuses from the staff at all.. - all the restaurants give different menus when you order "surprise menus". for me, non-meat eater and for my boyfriend, non-pork eater, the menus were identical. - the cocktail menu: 3 small cocktails for €24. is to throw your money away. they give 3 shots with alcohol contain less than in a beer. - the staff forgot about our cocktails and after several requests we got it after our 2nd course - the waiter was extremely stressed and was running around though the restaurant was 1/4 full. He didn't ask us if we want water, he just asked what kind, whilst tables next to us had tap water on the tables - there were 2 teenagers, friends of the staff sitting in front of us and eating 2 courses of our 4 courses meal because they have mistaken and made the course twice for us. it is really nice to spend money and see teenagers doing it for free in front of you
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